coaching and mentoring sessions.

Calling all creatives, witches, healers, yoga teachers, heart-led entrepreneurs!

Are you newly self employed? Do you have this new project/business idea/book baby that you so want to bring to the world, but not sure where to start?

I’ve been there. Several times. And I’m excited for you!

This stage in a new business or creative project is something I know a lot about. The ups and downs, the emotional rollercoaster, and more importantly, all the practical stuff you need to have in place to get started and make it sustainable.

I am a self employed witch with 10+ years experience in the health and wellbeing industry.

I can support you with the practical stuff to get you organised. I can help you get the word out, find clients and grow your instagram account. More importantly, I can help you with the mindset part of your business. How to be authentic, find your people and build a business that brings you joy. You are here because you want to make a difference. You might as well enjoy the ride!

Email me if you have any questions, or want to have a quick chat before booking a session.